The Basics of 401ks

The Basics of 401ks

401ks are one of the easiest ways to save money for retirement. And before we get any farther I want to mention that little thing called compounding interest. So if you don’t take anything away from this blog post, just remember that the earlier you 

The Best Ways to Avoid Student Loans

The Best Ways to Avoid Student Loans

Hey there! Before we get too far I want to plug my video on this topic if that’s more your jam 🙂 There is a student loan crisis in this country. Look at any new source, any campaign promise, or talk to anyone with student 

The Best Banana Bread EVER

The Best Banana Bread EVER

One of the best things you can do for living frugally is use up the food that you have that is going to go bad soon. In my case it’s always bananas. You can never get the correct amount of bananas. They are always eaten 

Picking a floor plan for your home

Picking a floor plan for your home

When picking a floor plan it’s important to consider how you want to live your life. Where things are placed will drastically effect what makes your life easier or more difficult. Typically, each builder has a set of floor plans they will allow you to