The best days of the week cleaning schedule to keep your house neat!

A cleaning schedule is a very daunting thing! Especially if you’re new to having a home of your own. Although a cleaning schedule and transform your life and reduce your stress!

This isn’t a new idea, but taking a little time every day to clean will help you keep things under control and maintain a relaxing, stressfree environment.

Just think about it! A little time every day to keep your house nice! This post is all about a cleaning schedule!

The Basics of a Cleaning Schedule

Personally, I work best with structure and doing little things every day. Or at least trying to do little things every day.

So here it is, we tidy every day. This means picking up all the little things every day. Putting dishes into the dishwasher, toys back in the bin, dirty clothes in the hamper.

Then we do a deeper clean of each space once a week. So the kitchen gets a clean on Tuesdays, the bathrooms on wednesdays, and bedrooms on thursdays!

Now you don’t have to keep to the schedule so strict for you. You can move the days around. However, I find this to be the best thing to make sure I am not overloaded with cleaning or overloaded with the mess!

Working the Family into it

Another topic I want to put into action here is how I make time to put our family into the cleaning schedule.

This is also dependent on how many littles you have and how busy your schedule is!

When I was working full-time with a commute, my husband was doing his masters, and we had no children. Cleaning was a breeze! We could knock all of it out for the week in an hour.

Now, we are both work at home and have a toddler! So things take more time and energy!

This is how we break things down. Everyone heps tidy everyday or 10 minutes or so. Then between my husband and I whomever gets to the deep cleaning first, gets to it!

Most of the time it means I deep clean and they tidy!

Two-year-olds are great at putting away toys when you are so excited about it! And my husband is a great speedy tidier!

Adjust accordingly to your own kids, ages, and stages. I also have them help on the individual chores too in other ways! Which will be baked into each day.

Weekly Schedule

Yes, I clean almost every day. It’s not that crazy when we take things just one bite at a time!

The cleaning schedule each week should fit your life and schedule. Sometimes it is not feasible to do certain things on certain days.

Chores can be moved around, doubled up, and taken a break from. This is what has worked for me for years!


So I fervently believe that we should have a day of rest! However, I feel like I can’t rest if I don’t have a plan for my life.

So I take a portion of my Sunday (or Saturday) to plan the week and get my ducks in a row. To me this creates rest.

I go through EVERYTHING this day to plan and make priorities. I also sit down with my husband and family to go over our goals, schedules, and to-dos.

Also, I go through the house and note any projects, tasks, deeper cleaning, etc that needs to take place or be added to the to do list!

Once we are set on the to-dos, schedules, priorities, events, and miscellaneous items that need to be taken care of. I start working on the meal plan and any other things that can be planned/prepped.

After I plan everything I can, I rest. This way I know what I need to know!


Next, we come to Monday! Which is the beginning of the week. I do a few things on Monday.

The first thing is laundry! Today I get the big loads of laundry done. All the way through the washer. You can read my blog post on our laundry schedule here.

Once the laundry is set and going. I head out to the grocery store to get the ingredients I need for the meals that week.

I am still trying to create a good meal schedule/plan. Heaven help me!

Although, I usually do all the cooking for the week that Monday!

So I prep all the meals and put them in the freezer or fridge to help makings easier when it is dinner time and I am exhausted from chasing a toddler around!

Then I tidy everything up and finish the laundry! That’s Monday!


The next cleaning day is Tuesday. On this day the big kitchen cleaning day.

Usually, I finish off some of the cooking I didn’t quite finish on Monday. Then I do all the dishes (multiple loads in the dishwasher).

I clean out the fridge, lightly organize the pantry, deep clean the counters, and appliances.

This usually also counts as the majority of our tidy because the kitchen takes the longest to tidy and gets the messiest!

Also, don’t forget to do any of those items you wrote down on Sunday that pertain to the kitchen. Usually this means something like vacuuming crumbs in the lazy suzan, or cleaning the microwave.

While this day takes the longest, and with all the cooking out of the way the kitchen stays pretty clean the rest of the week


Water Wednesday! This is honestly how I remember the days of the week to clean! Creating little mnemonics to help you remember is so helpful.

This one comes from our water Wednesday activities! We go swimming, and do the splash pad, or water table in the summertime.

I do all things watering this day! Water the house plants and clean the bathrooms because it has the most water of any room.

So after we’ve showered from our water play it’s time to clean the toilets, wipe the grime from the showers, clean sinks, and clear counters!

This is also another great day to look at that master list to see what can be delegated to this day to be done!


Now Thursday. This is about the day that I realize I need another load of laundry done!

And that’s what I use to help me remember what’s next. The bedrooms! This is when I go through and declutter the bedrooms. Get all the clothes up off the floor. Dust the window sills.

I reorganize the closets, and have the kids help clean up their rooms too.


Next we come to Friday! This is for common and living areas. Typically things like living rooms, toy rooms.

This is usually where the bulk of the random tasks comes from when I made my list on Sunday. This includes organizing the toys.

Also, rotating the toys if needed to keep things new and fresh.

I take the time to clean out the cushions of the couch and dust the little areas.


Finally we’ve made it to the last day. Now most of the chores have been completed during the past few days, but this last part has to deal with the big projects!

I usually save all larger projects for Saturday when I can either coordinate help from family or just have an extra set of hands with my husband not working!

I will take one or two medium sized bigger projects on this day to get done.

This will likely look like organizing the garage or basement or painting an accent wall.

This way all the things on the list can get done or have a day for the project to start!


I really hope that you found this helpful! I really wanted to show you how 30 minutes or less a day can create a functional and happy home cleaning schedule!